Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

0 What Kind of job I Want After I Graduate From University?

I'm student of last semester in Gunadarma University and take The Computer System Major. I hope this year I'm gonna get my graduation and finish the study *please pray* .

Computer systems are elements related to running an activity using a computer. Elements of the computer system is composed of human (brain ware), unak device (software), the instruction set (instruction sets), hardware and hardware).

Thus these components are the elements involved in a computer system. Of course, the hardware does not mean anything if no one of the other two (software and brain ware). A simple example, who is going to turn on the computer if there are no humans. Or will execute any commands the computer if none The software. Von Neumann architecture describes a computer with four main sections: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), control unit, memory, and input and output devices (collectively termed I / O). This section is connected by a wire bundle, "bus".

The word "computer network" may already be familiar to our ears, considering that almost every day we involve the computer network in our work.

The computer network is a system consisting of two or more computers that are connected to each other through a transmission medium or communication medium that can share data, applications or shared computer hardware.

The term computer network itself can also be interpreted as a collection of a number of communication terminal consisting of two or more computers connected to each other. Purpose built computer networks is that information / data that brought the sender (transmitter) can be up to the recipient (receiver) with precise and accurate.

Computer networks allow users to communicate with each other easily. In addition, the role of computer networks is needed to integrate data between computers diperolehlah a client so that the relevant data.

After I graduated from university I want to be a computer network engineer, in this field, majoring in computer system needed to be able to have expertise in the design and maintenance of hardware and software for computer networks. Network Engineers usually have a college degree or higher. They may have had internships or specialty projects within the Network Design and Engineering field.There often entry level positions start, with increasing responsibility and specialization as you acquire years of experience and specialty certifications.  

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