Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

0 The Food

Food is an ingredient that is needed by everyone in order to survive. The function of food for our body are:
  1. As a source of energyFood is needed by the body to get energy and the energy used by the body to move in accordance with what we want. While carbohydrates and fats is a material present in the body. Combustion of 1 gram of carbohydrate can produce 4.1 calories and 1 gram of fat burning can produce 9.1 calories. So all of that has a close relationship and mutual help and make our bodies can move well.

2. As a producer of calories and body temperature control and protectionWhile the elements that are needed by our body are:a. Oxygenb. Nitrogenc. Carbond. Hydrogen.

 In addition to the elements mentioned above there are many elements that are needed by our body. Although the elements mentioned it sediktit but has an important role for the body and the body can not be disturbed anymore and can function properly.While these elements contained in food that has the function to help the body run metabolic processes and the exchange of existing substances.

Link : http://matakristal.com/pengertian-makanan-dan-fungsi-makanan/

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