Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

0 Letter 3 : The Vehicle

     The vehicle is a means of transportation that humans use to accelerate to the intended location.
Kind of - kind of vehicles are bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, trains, planes, boats and much more. Bicycles used to travel that far, because the bicycle moves using human power. This vehicle can only use one person only. There also are using bikes to travel far.

     Motorcycle vehicle is the means of transport used to travel farther, move the motorcycle using fuel, the fuel is gasoline. This vehicle contains only two people only. Vehicles cars, used to travel far with passenger capacity which is quite a lot. Cars using petrol fuel. Vehicle truck, truck is a vehicle used to transport the goods. The capacity of this car is very much. 

     The railway vehicle is a vehicle with power motion, which moves with the use of special lines.
Many of these vehicles are used by everyone because of free stuck, unlike a car or motorcycle. Aircraft vehicle is moving in the air. The aircraft can take passengers to the destination country. Because the State Indonesia with other countries separated by seas, but it could also use the boat. The vehicle Boat is moving at sea. The boat can carry other vehicles, motorbikes, cars, and buses.

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